Sex buddies for singales
For Sri Lankan's Overseas

Sex buddies for singales

Sex buddies for singales

In the early days of the Corona spread it was said that sex poses a significant risk—the kissing and touching involved could potentially transmit the disease.
However, with vaccinations been rolled out the spread is been reevaluated. The coronavirus has also been found in the semen of people who are in the process of or have recovered from the virus.


However, the good news is that  William F. Marshall of the Mayo Clinic explains that the discovery is by no means decisive proof that the coronavirus can be transmitted through vaginal fluids or semen.


Sex Buddies  


As the pandemic escalated there was advice against one-night stands, having multiple bed partners, and dating in high-risk areas. According to Van Den Haute. a clinical Psychologist and Sexologist from Belgium,


“Some couples grow steadily more relaxed and end up having more sex; others may be worried and nervous”


In the case of those who are single, the Dutch National Institute for Public Health has come up with innovative suggestions the recommendation is for ‘sex buddies’.
A “sex buddy,” is someone with who they might form a “mutual satisfaction” agreement. Compared to one-night stands a sex buddy relationship is relatively safe.
Dutch citizens were also encouraged to copulate from a distance—by sharing erotic stories or by masturbating together.



