Grade 6 Life Skills : Qualities that should be inculcated as a good citizen - Part 2
For Sri Lankan's Overseas

Grade 6 Life Skills : Qualities that should be inculcated as a good citizen - Part 2

Grade 6 Life Skills :  Qualities that should be inculcated as a good citizen - Part 2

Dear Children, as a continuation of the last article, we are going to discuss another quality that should be inculcated as a good, responsible citizen. 

Arriving at conclusions through discussion and respecting the views of others.

We have already learnt that man as a social animal needs assistance from the other individuals and in the process of building relationships with each other, interpersonal skills in effective communication plays a major role. Let us discuss these skills in brief. 


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When interpersonal communication takes place, it is important that we express ideas or viewpoints clearly and politely while not disturbing or preventing others from expressing their views. We should always safeguard their right of expression while enjoying ours and we must give the due respect and appreciation to their views. In the event that the views of the other person clash with one’s view, a virtuous citizen will tolerate and respect them accordingly. It is essential that the individual does not attempt to lead to a dispute or a conflict. He or she is expected to build up good connections with others by the exchange of new knowledge and experiences through discussion. Maturity, broad minded attitudes and patience will also help the individuals to inculcate this quality in them. Such discussions can lead to the individual and social development and avoid misunderstanding among the parties involved. Thus, arriving in to successful conclusions / agreements through discussions is significant to carry out effective communication. The individuals must also ensure that the necessary actions are taken as per the discussion.




Furthermore, it is important to practice active listening and it will make the other person to develop trust and a positive impression on the individual. When we listen, we must pay our attention to what the speaker expresses and it is said that active listening will lead the individual to respond by asking questions, answering the questions, suggesting solutions and approving the ideas/suggestions. Therefore, clear language, careful listening and understanding will equip a person with the quality of active listening.  It will help to grab the message communicated clearly without any confusion and generate responses appropriately. It will boost self confidence in both the parties involved and result in strong, complete relationships. Active listening will enable to come into conclusions while making less room for conflicts. On the other hand, if active listening is not practiced, it will lead to miscommunication, misunderstanding, the decline in social relationships, isolation, conflicts, issues and loss of opportunities to arrive at peaceful agreements. It will create a sense of doubt in people where their self-confidence will be damaged.







by Mekhala Egodawele

Photo source : Internet



