Hogwarts Legacy the magical game begins
For Sri Lankan's Overseas

Hogwarts Legacy the magical game begins

Hogwarts Legacy the magical game begins

Harry Potter is a name that anyone knows, no matter how big or small they are, all love the characters in the movies. No matter how long it takes because of that game that left you stranded in a magical world, you will never forget those events, that story, that environment.


Now in a real magical world, with fantasy and the ability to become the magician you dreamed of. you are released to a huge game that will make you a brilliant magician from the beginning itself. It's a game called Hogwarts Legacy. And its ready to come to you this 2021. The Hogwarts Magical School of the 1800s is based on this game. Once you enter the school, you have the opportunity to become a good or bad wizard by learning a variety of lessons from the beginning. Although most sports have a monotonous style of play, here you can do whatever you want.



This will give you the opportunity to experience Hogwarts and many other worlds in a wonderful and facinating way, as well as work with spells, magic drinks, dark spells and fantastic beasts. This game will also be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and especially the PC version as well. produced by the sports division of Warner Brothers. Sony has confirmed that the latest game will be released in 2021. That is, by releasing a trailer of that game. So all you Harry Potter fans get ready to join them in the mysterious Hogwarts to become the Magician you always wanted to be.












by Kaushalya De Silva

Photo source : Internet



