Grade 8 Geography : Uniqueness of the Earth - Part 8 (Gases)
Earth is the only planet that is confirmed to harbor life on its surface. We have already discussed that our home planet consists of several factors that help life to thrive on earth. Out of those, the presence of an atmosphere that is favourable for the existence of life on earth deserves mentioning. The atmosphere possesses all the gases required by living beings and the gravitational power of the earth keeps the atmosphere pulled towards the earth. The earth’s atmosphere consists of several gases like Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Di Oxide, Ozone and other gases. It also consists of water vapor, salt particles and dust. Air can be cited as the major factor required for life on earth to survive.
The water cycle is an essential aspect for the survival of the living environment on earth and the atmosphere contributes towards its maintenance to a great extent. Precipitation can be cited as the process where water falls from clouds in the sky to the earth and it happens through rain, snow, hail and etc. Basically, precipitation is a primary component in the water cycle and it is the major means of providing atmospheric water to the planet. This process is also caused by the atmosphere. Have you heard about the ozone layer? This layer is positioned in the upper atmosphere of the earth and it plays a role of paramount significance in shielding the earth and its living components from the harmful ultra violet rays of the sun.
We have already learnt about the meteors in the previous articles. When the meteoroids enter the earth’s atmosphere, they get burnt. Thus, the atmosphere controls the meteors or asteroids that fall to the planet and it’s a great means of protection. If we consider the average surface temperature of the earth, it is 150C and it is one the most unique features integral to our home planet. The other planets in the solar system are possessed with extreme temperatures and some have weak or thin atmospheres. The atmosphere of the earth engages in the role of regulating the temperature and it is one of the most favorable factors that support life on earth.
by Mekhala Egodawele
Photo source : Internet