Did lack of professionalism cause Geneva defeat?
For Sri Lankan's Overseas

Did lack of professionalism cause Geneva defeat?

Did lack of professionalism cause Geneva defeat?

Sri Lanka has had its worst at an international forum since independence with 41 countries voting against Sri Lanka. Some argue that t was the failure that made so many countries went against Sri Lanka while others point out that as the western lobby have their own vote banks to please the result would have been inevitable .


Parliamentarian Dilan Perera said that Foreign minter Dinesh Gunawardana, as well as Foreign Sectary Jayanath Colombage, Are responsible for this defeat and the Sunday Times reports that differences among the two are emerging and it is no more a secret.


In Geneva, also a dual vivew emerged Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative C.A. Chandraprema, officially acknowledged the resolution and negotiated while soon after the resolution was defeated Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena told Parliament that the resolution was illegal without giving reasons. The question arises as to why Sri Lanka negotiated on an illegal resolution.


According to the Sunday times report many unusual things had happened within the run-up to the vote. Foreign Secretary Colombage did not mind breaking protocol to visit the Russian Embassy in Colombo to urge Russia to prevail upon Uzbekistan to support Sri Lanka. Under normal circumstances, this was the Foreign Minters responsibility.
Political observers comment that the days ahead are crucial as any blunders could cost the country a lot. 



