Kitchen Tips - 2
For Sri Lankan's Overseas

Kitchen Tips - 2

Kitchen Tips - 2

Cooking is really easy now when you use easy and simple steps. So today we bring our dear readers some simple, easy tips and tricks that can make a busy wife’s daily cooking fast and more efficient.


- Using herbs Dried herbs are invaluable ; buy small quantities at a time and renew supplies each year as they lose their potency and some flavour on storage. They are cheap to buy.


- Using eggs to a sauce When using blended egg yolk and cream to a sauce. Carefully see that the sauce does not boil. If it becomes too hot it will curdle.


- When browning meat Use a large, deep pan. This will enable you to fry it quickly. Without splashing the stove with fat and meat juices.


- Onion makes you cry Keep the cut side of the onion towards the board. Do not lean unnecessarily over the board and chop in short bouts.


- Discolouration of a pan Add a teaspoon of vinegar to water in the aluminium sauce pan when steaming to prevent discolouration of the pan.


- Sufficient vegetables When peeling or chopping vegetables prepare sufficient for at least two meals. Keep part in a sealed polythene bag in a cool place. Preferably a refrigerator. This will help you to save time.


- Add sugar to tomatoes Adding sugar to tomatoes when cooking takes away that slightly bitter taste. This also applies when using tomato puree.









by Kaushalya De Silva

Photo source : Internet



