Three quarters of fish in worlds longest river contain microplastics

First ever scientific research into plastic pollution in the River Nile - and discovered that a staggering three-quarters of the fish analysed contained microplastics.
The exclusive study - which is the only one of its kind in the world - was done in secret laboratories, alongside scientists who if discovered, would almost certainly face jail or other severe punishment.
We are keeping them anonymous because of the risk to their safety as a result of their work.
The research was headed and overseen by a British scientist based in Denmark. His findings - which have been peer-reviewed and published - will alarm those worried about the implications of plastic getting into the human food chain.
It signals the urgent need for more studies into the effects of plastic pollution in fresh water rivers - and cries out for far more focus on the impact that contaminated fish are likely to have on the millions and millions of people dependant on Nile fish for their livelihoods and sustenance.
An investigative team from Sky News spent more than two months travelling along the length of the Nile, gathering visual evidence and testimony from experts, farmers, fishermen, politicians, scientists and even vets in a string of countries dotted along or dependant on the world's longest river.
We found the longest river in the world and its tributaries extensively polluted all along the route from its source in Lake Victoria to where it eventually empties into the Mediterranean Sea.
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